Marije ter Weele

Which person (dead or  kicking ass) do you want to meet? For me that would be zen master Shunryu Suzuki. The 'writer' of my favourite books: Zen Mind Beginners Mind &...

sisters, work in progress, marije ter weele

Work in Progress

New Dutch Photography Talent, GUP magazine, Marije ter Weele

The opening exhibition and booklaunch of New Dutch Photography Talent 2017 was fun! Hereby an impression...

Why Beauty Matters is a 2009 British documentary film written and presented by the philosopher Roger Scruton. He argues for the importance and transcendental nature of beauty, YES! Worth watching!...

I Promise not to fall in Love with you by Marije ter Weele

Woot, Woot  the Big Amsterdam Art Calendar 2016 is published and my work is in it. No meat, but 3 kilo of fresh art. Every day you'll discover a new...